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Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 206: Routine Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Many autoimmune patients hang onto their doctors' every word. This is normal, especially when you're newly diagnosed. However your doctors, especially conventional doctors, won't always have your optimal health in mind. Many will want to keep you on medications. Take...Continue Reading
Ep. 205: Understanding Inflammation And How It Affects Your Autoimmunity
Inflammation is the sole driver of autoimmunity and chronic disease. In this episode, Dr. Connie breaks down inflammation so you can understand what it is, what it means for you and your health, and what you can do about it....Continue Reading
Ep. 204: Finding Clarity On What Foods To Eat For Your Autoimmunity
Most autoimmune patients think about diet in terms of the foods that they should eat or should not eat. But a better way to think about your diet is to "listen" to what your body is telling you. In this...Continue Reading
Ep. 203: The Missing Ingredient to Your Healing
This week's episode is a session from one of our past 7 Day Autoimmune Challenges! You don’t exist in parts and pieces; you are a WHOLE ecosystem. However, you lack this specific ingredient to supercharge your healing. It’s something you’d...Continue Reading
Ep. 199: You May Be Perpetuating Your Autoimmunity
Too often we focus on external circumstances to change, or what we have to "do", in order for our health to improve. But, in fact, you may be harboring dis-ease within your body by BEing the person that triggers inflammation....Continue Reading
Ep. 197: Health Must Be a Core Value That You Align With
Autoimmunity is an intolerance to self. Your body has been sending you signals for a long time. But your lack of self care prevented you from listening to your body. This is simply because you did not value health in...Continue Reading
Ep. 195: Why Wanting to Be Healthy Is Never Enough
Many autoimmune patients “want” to be healthy and reverse their symptoms. But the truth is that absence of symptoms does not guarantee health. Wanting to be healthy is a passive way to be. You must get busy redefining your core...Continue Reading
Ep. 193: Why You’re Living a Lie
Your core truth has been neglected for so long that it likely feels very foreign when I ask you “what do you stand for? Why do you do what you do?” This is because you’ve been so conditioned all your...Continue Reading
Ep. 192: Attachment to Pain and Suffering is What Keeps You Sick and Scared
Fear is the ultimate parasite when it comes to creating health and longevity. And it’s really what causes autoimmune conditions to worsen. But did you know that you may be subconsciously attached to pain and suffering so much so that...Continue Reading