Functional Yoga Medicine Show

Ep. 12: Stand for Something to Make a Greater Impact
Low barrier to entry in the internet market place has created a whole lot of competition in the Yoga industry. But if you look closely, every Yogi is doing the same thing. We. have a "me too" movement in the...Continue Reading
Ep. 11: Foundation is Everything
Set yourself apart from the rest by committing to excellence in your Yoga business or practice. During these turbulent times, it's imperative that you get crystal clear on what it is that you want to create in your life. ....Continue Reading
Ep. 10: Exploring the Limbs of Yoga
We all love the physical practice of Yoga, asanas, but the Limbs of Yoga offers so much more. Our ability to navigate the external world with a clear moral code offers us so much power over our mind, body, and...Continue Reading
Episode 09: Amazing Benefits of Hot Yoga
You'll either love it or hate it but most people agree the feeling you get after a Hot Alkaline Sequence is one that leaves you feeling revitalized, refreshed, and most importantly DETOXIFIED. You sweat off all the toxins from the...Continue Reading
Ep. 08: Alkaline Method ™ Establish the new NORMAL or Create an IDEAL Future?
As we carefully resume our lives after Covid, we can get trapped into longing for what was. As Yogis, our practice yoga has shifted from in person community to online classes. To go back to the studio may seem daunting,...Continue Reading
Ep. 07: Alkaline Method ™ Yogapreneur
It seems to be a normal progression for many avid Yogis to be drawn to Yoga so much so that eventually they consider enrolling in Yoga teaching training program. The industry "norm" tends to limit the level and scope of...Continue Reading
Ep. 06: Hypermobility and Yoga
Many Yogis are flexible. Flexibility comes easy for some while others are genetically more "tight" or stable. . Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and Youtube channel so that you stay in the loop with the Functional Yoga Medicine...Continue Reading
Ep. 05: True Pursuit of Yoga
Why do you practice Yoga? Most people practice with very little awareness of how powerful their practice can be for their goals in life. Whether it's to improve flexibility, strength, stability, or simply to look good in Yoga pants, having...Continue Reading
Ep. 04: Dare to make a difference with your mission and vision for your Yoga Business
Are you clear about what you want to create with your Yoga teaching? Are you choosing to stay small because of limiting beliefs that you hold dear? Listen to Dr. Connie's talk about how you can step into your mission...Continue Reading