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Mind Your Health Show

The Power of Mindfulness and Acceptance in Difficult Situations
Practicing mindfulness and acceptance can be transformative in the most challenging situations, allowing you to grow and evolve past adversity. Here’s how these practices can help: Mindfulness: Embracing the Present Moment Mindfulness involves fully engaging with the present moment and...Continue Reading
Impact of Unworthiness on Chronic Illness and Nervous System
The Impact of Perceived Unworthiness on Chronic Illness and the Nervous System Understanding the Concept of "Programming" Unworthiness Programming of unworthiness refers to the deep-seated belief that one is not worthy or deserving of love, success, or happiness. These beliefs...Continue Reading
The Science of Sound Baths - Healing at A Cellular Level
Discover the resonating power of sound therapy in my latest Mind Your Health podcast episode, where we delve into the fascinating science behind sound baths.  This ancient healing practice, which has gained modern momentum, harnesses the vibrations of gongs, singing...Continue Reading
EASE Method: How To Heal Yourself When The Healthcare System Fails You
What is missing in our current healthcare system? Often, healthcare providers fail to address the root issue of what is going on, simply putting a "bandaid" on the patient's physical symptoms. For years, as a practitioner and a patient, I...Continue Reading
Ep. 298: Meet Dr. Connie Part 3: Healing Your Symptoms Requires Looking at the WHOLE Puzzle
This is the FINAL part of our 3-part series where I share my personal health journey as both a practitioner AND a patient, with the intention of providing you with some insights that could lead to "aha" moments, so that...Continue Reading
Ep. 286: Chakras 101: Healing Through Meditation
If you've done Yoga or meditation before, whether you recently started or have been practicing for a while, you've likely heard of chakras. Chakras are typically mentioned by Yoga instructors or in guided meditations, and various Yoga poses and meditations...Continue Reading
Ep. 280: True Healing Does Not Happen In Parts And Pieces
While conventional medicine focuses mainly on our "physical" body, there are actually four essential layers of the body that make up our WHOLE being. And aligning these four layers is key to shifting the body from a state of dis-ease...Continue Reading
Ep. 270: ENCORE - 5 Critical Mistakes That Keep You From Healing
This episode of the Mind Your Health Show is an encore of one of our most popular episodes. Many of you are in search of healing modalities and treatments to better manage your autoimmunity. But what if all your efforts...Continue Reading
Ep. 262: There Is No “One Size Fits All” Approach To Healing Autoimmunity
Self awareness is an essential ingredient to healing. Yet, most programs for autoimmunity focus on external methods such as diets, medications, supplements, etc. Once you gain clarity over who you are, your healing path becomes clear as well. In this...Continue Reading