Jun 1, 2023 | Recipes

Mango Delight

by Connie Cheung

Packed with essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, vitamin C and vitamin B6, they fuel the body with energy and support overall health. Bananas aid in digestion and regulate blood sugar levels, making them an excellent choice for a quick and satisfying snack

Packed with antioxidants, vitamins A and C, and fiber, mangos promote a strong immune system and support healthy digestion. Their rich content of phytochemicals helps fight inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Mangos also provide a natural glow to your skin, thanks to their high vitamin C content

Mango Delight



  • 1 ripe Banana
  • A handful of frozen mango chunks
  • 1 cup of milk dairy milk, almond milk, soy milk, etc.


  • Peel the ripe banana and cut it into smaller pieces.
  • Place the banana pieces and the frozen mango chunks into a blender.
  • Pour the milk of your choice into the blender.
  • Blend the ingredients until smooth and creamy.
  • If the consistency is too thick, you can add more milk gradually and continue blending until desired consistency is reached.
  • Once blended to your liking, pour the mixture into a glass.


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