
Kimchi Dumpling
Whipping up homemade dumplings is more than just a fun cooking project for me; it brings me back to my Korean roots There's something special about getting your hands into the dough, prepping the fillings, and shaping each dumpling. It's not... Read More...
Janchi Gooksu
I’ve got a Unami craving and I know just what to do with it - cook up some street food noodle soup Unami’s unique taste is primarily due to the presence of glutamates, which are found in various ingredients like soy... Read More...
Udon Stir Fry
Happy Thanksgiving to our incredible Functional Yoga Medicine community! On this special day, what could be a better expression of love than preparing homemade meals that keep both your heart and gut happy? To celebrate, I want to share with you... Read More...
Sukiyaki- Bulgogi Version
Cabbage is a staple vegetable in my fridge because it's high in fiber, nutritious, and great for your gut Here is an easy dinner idea that comes together in a breeze with thinly sliced rib eye, onions, mushrooms, and any other... Read More...
Creating a colorful holiday chili dinner for my loved ones is not just about preparing a meal; it's an expression of care and a celebration of health.By incorporating my favorite vegetables, spices, and proteins, I ensure that each bowl is... Read More...
Salad with homemade dressing
Choosing to make homemade salads and dressings is a game-changer for gut health Every fresh ingredient added carries its own array of beneficial microbes and fiber, essential for a thriving gut microbiome. Store-bought dressings often contain preservatives, sugars, and unhealthy... Read More...