I’ve been figuring things out for myself and my patients for over 30 years. 

I know what works and what doesn’t, using common sense, scientific evidence, and miraculous healing potential to get to the root of your issues

Work with me.

If you’ve been struggling with various symptoms despite your efforts, you are likely missing the key piece of the puzzle. Healing happens in layers, but unless you learn the skills to regulate your nervous system, you’ll likely continue to have symptoms that haunt you. Healing is a complex process that depends on simple skills you can master to have full control over your health and life. I’ve had to figure this out myself and want to share the secret to your health and wellness.

Let me help you to clarify your blind spots, contact me below so we can get started!

What I do know is that conventional knowledge and education, as well as the medical system itself, are failing us.

I have years of standardized education in the field of health. School taught me how to stay “boxed in” and follow the rules.

I was a good student and clinician, staying in my “lane” even when my gut told me there’s got to be a better way to serve those who were coming to me for help.

It took three bad Lupus flares, a near death experience in the hospital, and 20 years of witnessing the failing medical system for both my patients and myself to realize things needed to change.

And that’s how I created my signature method that TRULY allows you to heal from the inside-out.

If any part of my message resonates with you, I want to work with you.

Stop wasting time and money on diets, programs, or experts that feed you information from a fire hydrant and expect you to figure things out on your own.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get busy addressing the underlying issues that are perpetuating your health struggles.

I want to hear from you, so contact me by filling out the form below so we can work together to have you feeling AND looking your very best!

Contact us