Check Out Our Episodes

Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 66: Inflammation and Weight Gain
The inflammation that we have is ultimately set off by our leaky gut and microbiome imbalance.  I want to talk to you a bit about inflammation today as it is relates to metabolism and weight gain. Continue Reading
Ep. 65: Lupus Q&A: Intermittent Fasting and Hormones
In this week's Lupus Q&A, Dr. Connie discusses what intermittent fasting is and its benefits, along with what you should do when your hormones are causing flares or flare like symptoms.Continue Reading
Ep. 64: Rethinking Disease: Our Functional Medicine Approach
Our genes are the deck of cards we are dealt with when we are born. But it is our lifestyle and environment that determine whether those genes will develop health or disease. Dr. Connie discusses a new way to think...Continue Reading
Ep. 63: Health Truths vs Facts
Early in my life as a Lupus patient, I’ve had to learn how to manage my disease in a way where I felt comfortable that it was under my control. But time and time again through scary threats to my...Continue Reading
Ep. 62: Lupus Q&A: Body Aches, Aspirin and Vitamin K, and Pulmonary Fibrosis
In this Lupus Q&A session, Dr. Connie discusses how to relieve body aches, Vitamin K interactions, and implications of pulmonary fibrosis.Continue Reading
Ep. 61: 10 Ways to Improve Mental Fitness
Mental fitness refers to having an agile and bright brain that allows you to apply yourself with greater ease, less stress, and with minimal resistance. Work on incorporating these tips everyday and you'll find that your brain feels younger and...Continue Reading
Ep. 60: Lupus and the Medical System
Having perspective in the medical system and understanding its limits motivates us to create our health. Things can go south very fast for us lupus patients and we need medical intervention to keep us from devastating effects of lupus. But...Continue Reading
Ep. 59: Lupus Q&A: Melasma, Being Diagnosed, Fighting Fatigue, and Lupus Diet
In this Q&A session, Dr. Connie discusses how to reduce melasma, which is darkening on the skin on the face, receiving a Lupus diagnosis, how to fight fatigue, and lupus diet for vegans.Continue Reading
Ep. 58: Which Diet is Best for You
With numerous types of diets out there today, how do you know which one you should follow and which one is right for you? Dr. Connie gives her take on diets this week.Continue Reading