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Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 217: Autoimmune Health Transformation Success Story: Breaking the Sick Cycle
Before joining the Autoimmune Health Transformation, Julie had tried numerous diets, programs, and treatments. Each one would get her a little better, but she'd eventually end up repeating her old patterns and old ways. Because of the mindset work we...Continue Reading
Ep. 216: Autoimmune Health Transformation Success Story: New Found Hope for Life and Health
Diane had been on a 25 year journey with her autoimmunity before she joined the Autoimmune Health Transformation Program. She tried so many diets, programs, treatments, etc. but could never achieve long lasting results when it came to her health....Continue Reading
Ep. 215: Keeping It Real - Marriage Struggles and Autoimmunity
For the most part, autoimmunity is an invisible disease. When Dr. Connie was married, she struggled with meeting the needs of her ex-husband, especially when she felt so misunderstood and unsupported by him. Marriage struggles are common for autoimmune patients,...Continue Reading
Ep. 214: How to Shift Your Limiting Beliefs From Sick to Health
90% of all that you are and do everyday is dictated by your subconscious mind. Subconscious means under the surface. We don't recognize the hidden motivation that drives our behavior. This is why it's so hard to change what we...Continue Reading
Ep. 213: Context Is Much More Important Than Content
In pursuing holistic healing or conventional treatments for autoimmunity, many patients seek tangible or superficial approaches to help their bodies. But ultimately this is a broken strategy because all that you "do" doesn't make you healthy. You have to first...Continue Reading
Ep. 212: It's Okay When Things Are Not Okay
Too often in the pursuit of health and wellness, when we go through autoimmune flares, we tend to get anxious and frustrated with not being okay. But sometimes when things are not okay, it's an opportunity for us to recognize...Continue Reading
Ep. 211: Cost of Sickness Vs Investing In Your Health
Many autoimmune patients have a false perception when it comes to the cost of holistic health. They are conditioned to pay for sickness vs paying for wellness. This is because most of us live believing that we are all entitled...Continue Reading
Ep. 210: The Missing Link in Holistic Autoimmune Healing
There are many different options when it comes to holistic healing for autoimmunity. From diets, supplements, herbals, medications, and coaching, you have tons of options. But the problem is most programs and treatments only address a partial piece of the...Continue Reading
Ep. 208: Understanding Why You Have Autoimmunity Is the First Step in Shifting Towards Self Empowered Healer
The identity that you hold for yourself based on your past largely dictates your reactiveness to your autoimmunity. Contrary to popular belief, it's not about all the "things" you DO, but your inner identity that dictates and perpetuates your autoimmune...Continue Reading