Check Out Our Episodes

Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 04: Why Conventional Medicine Should Be Considered Sickcare
Conventional Medicine aims to treat the pathology or disease and it's an excellent method to triage in a traumatic situation.   However, as someone who lives with a Chronic Disease, it's important to shift perspective into focusing on the "root cause"...Continue Reading
Ep. 03: Functional Medicine and Your Health
The premise of "healthcare" is all wrong.  It's not healthcare, its really sick care.  I believe if we understand what it is, we can better utilize the medical services with real perspectiveContinue Reading
Ep 02: From Disease to Health
Theory and knowledge are great, but when it comes to disease and health, our medical training tends to make disease management the goal and often the path to optimal health and wellness is overlooked. This is a deep seeded problem...Continue Reading
Ep. 01 Dr. Connie's Healing Journey
Living with a chronic condition like Lupus can give you some perspective.  As a Clinician and a Patient for over 19 years, I've learned that we still have a limited understanding of our human biology.    The interconnections of complex...Continue Reading
Because of poor food quality, stress, medications, etc., we all have some degree of inflammation. Unfortunately things aren’t looking good for us, since almost all diseases have a root cause of inflammation. Here’s what you can do to get inflammation...Continue Reading