Functional Yoga Medicine Show

Ep. 75: ENCORE - Business Mastery Bootcamp for Health Practitioners
This episode of the Functional Yoga Medicine Show is an encore of Dr. Connie's Sept. 2021 Business Mastery Bootcamp for Health Practitioners. Clinical skills alone will never create financial freedom. You must THINK like a powerful CEO. Most healthcare practitioners...Continue Reading
Ep. 74: Your Career or Business Will Only Grow to the Extent That YOU Grow
As health practitioners, we tend to busy ourselves with clinical trainings that may help us elevate our status or employability. But rarely are we ever challenged to think about our vision for our lives and career. We tend to avoid...Continue Reading
Ep. 73: Shifting From Powerless Practitioner to Powerful CEO
Most health practitioners assume gaining more clinical education and skills is the best way to increase revenue for their business. But the truth is, you need much more than titles and certifications to add to your bottom line. By virtue...Continue Reading
Ep. 72: The Difference Between Medical Treatments vs Healing
As a chronic autoimmune patient, Dr. Connie has had personal experience in the "medical system". While medical treatments are helpful, they also have limits. They confine medical professionals from believing in possibilities. They rely heavily on "evidence based" science. It's important to remember that...Continue Reading
Ep. 71: Why Wealth Should Be Your TOP Priority
Many health practitioners hide behind their certifications and knowledge, and don't really understand why their patients aren't getting better. In order to make impact through your work, you need much more than didactic knowledge and advanced degrees. You need business acumen...Continue Reading
Ep. 70: Why Your Coaching Skills Are Essential for the Success of Your Clients, Patients, and Students
Whether you're a Yoga Teacher, Physician, or other Health/Healthcare Practitioner, we tend to stay within our scope of understanding, while non-certified, non-credentialed individuals are "coaching" their clients to success. Your clients, patients, and students are looking for simple, practical, and...Continue Reading
Ep. 69: The Power of Meditation
Meditation is the most powerful way we can cultivate self healing and self awareness to tap into our full potential. By altering our brain waves, we can promote endogenous healing chemicals to be produced by our body to support our...Continue Reading
Ep. 68: Attachment to Pain and Suffering is What Keeps Us Sick and Scared
This episode of the Functional Yoga Medicine Show is adapted from an episode of Dr. Connie's Mind Your Health Show, her podcast specific for autoimmune/chronic disease patients. As you listen to this episode, listen to it from a practitioner's perspective...Continue Reading
Ep. 67: Your Client's Identity is the Driving Force Behind the Life They've Created
This episode of the Functional Yoga Medicine Show is adapted from an episode of Dr. Connie's Mind Your Health Show, her podcast specific for autoimmune/chronic disease patients. As you listen to this episode, listen to it from a practitioner's perspective...Continue Reading