Functional Yoga Medicine Show

Ep. 57: Applying the Alkaline Method™ for Health Practitioners
Too often in health and wellness, we are indoctrinated into certain ways of doing things. Even when those ways of doing things don't serve our purpose, we are often stuck doing them because it's the way things have always been...Continue Reading
Ep. 56: Learning How to Fail Because Failure is the Currency for Success
Many believe the path to success is a straightforward one. However this couldn't be further from the truth. Many people tend to give up after they "fail", but little do they know that each "failure" gets us closer to the...Continue Reading
Ep. 55: Integration Principles to Incorporate in a Yoga Practice to Promote Healing
Many people believe Yoga is a healing practice in and of itself, but it is absolutely possible to practice Yoga incorrectly. As a Yoga Instructor, it is vital that you keep your students and clients safe, and promote healing rather...Continue Reading
Ep. 54: How to Bridge the Gap Between Functional Medicine and Yoga
In the name of holistic or functional medicine, many practitioners focus on all that they "do" for their patients. But unless the practitioner steps out of her comfort zone to provide the necessary health foundations for the patients, all that they do...Continue Reading
Ep. 53: The Most Important Ingredient For The Success Of Your Career
This week's episode is a session from one of our past Functional Yoga Medicine Workshops! Many health promoting practitioners lack the business acumen required to run a successful business. Many shut down when talking about sales and marketing. But the...Continue Reading
Ep. 52: Yoga is a Journey, NOT a Destination
Today we are combining the podcast episodes for both the Mind Your Health Show and the Functional Yoga Medicine Show because this topic is important for patients, clients, and health practitioners alike. When it comes to Yoga, it's not about...Continue Reading
Ep. 51: Why Your Career May Be Doomed Without You Realizing It
Much of what you do everyday is on autopilot. This is the part of the mind that we refer to in our Alkaline Method™ as the subconscious mind. Subconscious meaning you are not “aware”. The flip side to this is...Continue Reading
Ep. 50: Tame Your Brain, Tame Your Life
90% of what we do is done subconsciously. To understand what the subconscious mind is, you must understand the concept of automation and habit. Everything you think, feel, and do, day in and day out, is a result of conditioned...Continue Reading
Ep. 49: Brain Health is Everything
There are three essential components to dis-ease. 1) Stress-brain. Stress is the root cause of most chronic diseases. 2) Gut-brain. Stress causes gut permeability (leaky gut). 3) Immune-brain. Toxic overload is inevitable when you have gut permeability, increased toxic load...Continue Reading