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Mind Your Health Show

How to Overcome Challenges WhenYou Have Little Motivation

How to Overcome Challenges WhenYou Have Little Motivation

Going through challenges in life can often feel like keeping a flickering candle lit during a storm. Difficult experiences or phases of life are inevitable – they’re just part of the human experience. But often, these experiences are paired with a lacking sense of...

When Doctors Have No Answers: My Eye-Opening Kidney Failure Story

When Doctors Have No Answers: My Eye-Opening Kidney Failure Story

Have you ever had something happen that completely changed life as you knew it? For me, that moment was March 2021 when I got the Covid vaccine. Within 6 months after the vaccine, my kidneys shut down and I experienced complete kidney failure. Fast forward to...

Exponential Healing: How to feel better FAST

Exponential Healing: How to feel better FAST

f you were traveling to the other side of the world, would you rather take a jet or a paddleboat? Which one would get you there faster? Exponential healing will have you reaching your health goals with jet-like speed, but most people unknowingly approach their health...

Hormone Imbalance Cascade: Why Your Pill is Just a “Band-Aid” Fix

Hormone Imbalance Cascade: Why Your Pill is Just a “Band-Aid” Fix

Imagine you get a paper cut on your finger and you slap a band-aid on it… …is it the band-aid itself that heals the cut? Of course not – the band-aid covers the wound and might stop the bleeding temporarily, but it doesn't heal the wound or prevent it from getting...