Functional Yoga Medicine Show

Ep. 21: The Importance of Nutrition In the Overall Scope of Functional Yoga Medicine
The Importance of Nutrition In the Overall Scope of Functional Yoga MedicineContinue Reading
Ep. 20: What Was Missing From Your Education?
We are indoctrinated all our lives, it's time to think on your terms and learn to think differently to solve real problems. Click here to join our free Functional Yoga Medicine Facebook group:  Interested in becoming Functional Yoga Medicine certified?...Continue Reading
Ep. 19: Leveraging the Power of Our Minds to BE the Creators of Our Lives
Do you routinely find yourself "reacting" to the circumstances and struggle with the feelings of guilt, shame, fear, anxiety, and overwhelm? It's not your fault, we aren't taught how to use our minds to better direct our thoughts to feel...Continue Reading
Ep. 18: Revolt Against What Was and Create a Better Future
Click here to register for our FREE livenar where you'll discover a Breakthrough Functional Formula that will result in MASSIVE patient results and retention: Click here to join our free Tribe of Alkaline Method™ Yogis Facebook group:  Interested in becoming...Continue Reading
Ep. 17: Importance of Whole Body Systems in Drastically Elevating Your Clinical Practice
Our body does not function in parts or sections. It's a whole system that needs a synergistic workings of all systems which include nervous system, musculoskeletal system, metabolic system, digestive system, and psychological system, immune system, etc. Learn the importance...Continue Reading
Ep. 16: Core Activation for Optimal Stability
Your core provides the foundation for safe movement. Without proper activation of the core you'll risk injury. Additionally, getting clarity on your "core" values is key to a purpose driven life. . Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and...Continue Reading
Ep. 15: Functional Yoga Medicine - Foundations - Mastery
How amazing would it be to redefine healthcare and BE the change you want to see in the world? I finally have clarity and have said yes to doing just that. This has been in the works for over a...Continue Reading
Ep. 14: Using Breath to Bridge the Mind and Body
Mind-body mastery is the ultimate goal for Yoga practitioners. Learn how you can use breath to control your nervous system for health and longevity. . Be sure to subscribe to our podcast and Youtube channel so that you stay in...Continue Reading
Ep. 13: Yoga as Functional Medicine
Every discipline is limited by linear thinking with incremental effects. When we are able to expand our thinking we can bring the best practices of each discipline to provide exponential benefit that can catapult every are of your life. Yoga...Continue Reading