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Mind Your Health Show

EASE Method: How To Heal Yourself When The Healthcare System Fails You
What is missing in our current healthcare system? Often, healthcare providers fail to address the root issue of what is going on, simply putting a "bandaid" on the patient's physical symptoms. For years, as a practitioner and a patient, I...Continue Reading
The Benefits of Ashtanga Yoga - The Ancient Yogic Practice
Ashtanga is the most ancient form of Yoga that focuses on movement and breath to a very disciplined degree. The psychological and mental benefits are notable even after one yoga session… From academia to the clinical world and entrepreneurial space,...Continue Reading
Hormones and Menopause: What Is Causing Your Symptoms & How To Overcome Them
Menopause can be a confusing (and long) phase of a woman's life. It comes with a cocktail of symptoms that can disrupt your daily life. Hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, hair loss, and bone density reduction are just a...Continue Reading
ENCORE: How to ACTUALLY Balance Your Hormones...Without Toxic Medications
Lately, we have been discussing issues around hormones, the impact of stress, and the intertwined effects they have on our mental and physical well-being. Reflecting on this, I'm drawn to revisit a past episode that stirred up a lot of...Continue Reading
Stress Eating - How Your Hormones, Weight Gain and Mood Are Connected
In the latest episode of Mind Your Health, I dive into the sensitive topic of stress eating, a behavior many of us might be all too familiar with. Have you ever stopped to wonder what triggers this? Or the toll...Continue Reading
How Stress Affects Your Confidence and How To Boost Your Self-Esteem
Stress has profound impacts on our self-confidence. But why does this occur? At the heart of this lies our "monkey brain" – a primal part of our cognitive function that's wired for survival and riddled with anxiety. When under stress,...Continue Reading
How To Use Your Breath To Reduce Stress
In today's episode of The Mind Your Health Podcast, I am getting into a topic that affects us every second of every day: breathing. We breathe in; we breathe out. But... have you ever stopped to consider the physiological effects...Continue Reading
How To Overcome Adrenal Fatigue and Balance Your Hormones Naturally
Symptoms like persistent fatigue, mood swings, sleep irregularities, and even digestive troubles are what we can define as adrenal fatigue… sound familiar? Adrenal fatigue is a term that's gained momentum in the functional medicine space, but what does it really...Continue Reading
How Yoga Can Balance Your Hormones and The Connection With Chakras
In today’s episode, we are tying in two important previous episodes together (linked below) to understand just how CHAKRAS, HORMONES and YOGA connect. In the complex network of our bodies, every cell plays a role, and each function has its...Continue Reading