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Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 195: Why Wanting to Be Healthy Is Never Enough
Many autoimmune patients “want” to be healthy and reverse their symptoms. But the truth is that absence of symptoms does not guarantee health. Wanting to be healthy is a passive way to be. You must get busy redefining your core...Continue Reading
Ep. 192: Attachment to Pain and Suffering is What Keeps You Sick and Scared
Fear is the ultimate parasite when it comes to creating health and longevity. And it’s really what causes autoimmune conditions to worsen. But did you know that you may be subconsciously attached to pain and suffering so much so that...Continue Reading
Ep. 191: Your Identity is the Driving Force Behind the Life You’ve Created
You must first become aware of your learned beliefs and decide if they are serving your life vs harming your health. In this episode, we’ll go deeper into the first pillar of the first element of the Alkaline Method™, which...Continue Reading
Ep. 190: Habit of Being Your Sick Self is the Root Cause of Your Autoimmunity
The very thing that keeps you stuck in the cycle of pain and suffering is so blinding to you that you keep perpetuating what you don’t see. The Alkaline Method™ allows you to explore the hidden habits that you are...Continue Reading
Ep. 189: Is Your Current Healthcare System in Alignment With What You Need?
As autoimmune patients, typically we don’t know what we need. But many autoimmune patients falsely believe that our “healthcare system” provides us with what we need. This couldn’t be further from the truth. What you need to know is that...Continue Reading
Ep. 188: Why You Are Slowly Dying
Your autoimmunity was likely triggered when you were very young. In fact, you can probably think back to a pivotal time in your life where you experienced trauma. For as long as you can remember, that’s really the day when...Continue Reading
Ep. 187: Understanding Who You Are is the First Step to Healing
When faced with autoimmunity, we often focus on the problem (symptoms) that we experience. When we focus on the problem, we negate the foundation that caused the problem in the first place. It’s when we’re able to reflect upon our...Continue Reading
Ep. 183: Placebo Effect for Autoimmunity
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Ep. 182: Supplements to Consider to Boost Your Immune System Against COVID
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