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Mind Your Health Show

The Link Between Repetitive Injury and Weight Gain
This podcast encore episode is all about why repetitive injury can be the culprit for weight gain. Repetitive injury can often be an overlooked culprit behind weight gain. When you suffer from chronic or recurring injuries, your ability to engage...Continue Reading
Yoga As Medicine - Functional Yoga Medicine ™
"Throughout my extensive journey in the health and wellness field, armed with advanced degrees and a wealth of theoretical knowledge, I discovered an unexpected truth: it was through yoga that I found the most profound healing and growth.  While my...Continue Reading
Ep. 285: Boost Energy With These Simple Chair Exercises
There are many times when fatigue can limit your ability to function day to day. Even though it’s counterintuitive, gently moving your body to improve circulation and muscular and joint movements will help your body boost energy by improving your...Continue Reading