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Mind Your Health Show

Ep. 113: Priming Your Body to Heal Part 2: The Physiology of Priming Your Body
Last week Dr. Connie discussed what it means to prime your body so you can shift into healing mode. This week she will be talking more about what happens within your body when you start to make a mindset shift.Continue Reading
Ep. 112: Yikes! My Lupus Flare Experience
Dr. Connie discusses her most recent Lupus flare, what she believes caused it, and why she's more motivated to take control of her health.Continue Reading
Ep. 111: Breaking the Habit of Being Sick
The person you are today is a result of your habits. Being sick can be considered a habit in itself. If you've been wanting to heal but what you're doing is not working for you, listen up! Dr. Connie talks...Continue Reading
Ep. 110: At Risk for Osteoporosis? Find Out How to Reverse It
Those with an autoimmune condition are at risk of developing secondary conditions, osteoporosis being a common one. Learn about osteoporosis and what you can do to reverse your risk  Continue Reading
Ep. 109: Lupus Beauty Secrets You Wouldn't Expect
Learn about Dr. Connie's experience with Lupus hair loss and how it transformed her.  Continue Reading
Ep. 108: You Are Your Best Doctor
You know your body best. Have your best interest and be informed when navigating the medical system.  Continue Reading
Ep. 107: How to Take an Active Role in Your Healthcare
Dr. Connie is a big advocate of taking an active role in your own healthcare. What does that mean exactly? Listen to see how she took an active role during her most recent health crisis.Continue Reading
Ep. 106: Microbiome: Health is All About the Bugs Within You
With so many different diets out there today, how do we know which one we should be on? Dr. Connie offers a solution: don't focus on the diet, but focus on your microbiome. Watch this week's blog to find out...Continue Reading
Ep. 105: First Step to Improving Your Lupus Prognosis
Thoughts produce feelings, which produce behaviors, which produce outcomes. What are your current thoughts about your Lupus and how can you change them for the better?  Continue Reading