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Mind Your Health Show

The Link Between Repetitive Injury and Weight Gain
This podcast encore episode is all about why repetitive injury can be the culprit for weight gain. Repetitive injury can often be an overlooked culprit behind weight gain. When you suffer from chronic or recurring injuries, your ability to engage...Continue Reading
ENCORE: Detox For A Healthy Mind & Body - Start 2024 In Alignment
Most people believe DETOX means getting on a restrictive diet, taking some supplements, or drinking a special juice or tea in order to cleanse the body. But true, effective detox actually involves much more than this. Our bodies have natural...Continue Reading
Why Our Healthcare System is Broken and How To Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands
Have you ever experienced the frustration of being caught in a never-ending loop when it comes to your health? As a health professional and patient myself, I have also experienced confusion and disappointment when it came to my health issues....Continue Reading
Ep. 300: 10 Ways to Boost Health If You Work Remotely
Since the pandemic, many of us have shifted our workspace to our home. Remote work is on the rise due to the increased flexibility and productivity it brings. Although there are many benefits to working remotely, there are also increased...Continue Reading
Ep. 294: The Relationship Between Yoga and Nutrition for Optimal Health and Wellness
For most people who want to improve their nutrition, they often seek to gain more KNOWLEDGE. They read books, seek out experts, or search the internet for the best foods to eat or the best diet to try.But the truth...Continue Reading
Ep. 289: Debunking Restrictive Diets for Gut Health
Most people think that changing their diet is the best place to start when making changes for their health. Despite all my education and knowledge in the fields of Nutrition and Functional Medicine, almost all of it was irrelevant last...Continue Reading
Ep. 282: Why Your FEELINGS Matter
Your feelings aren't just figments of your imagination, and they don't just come out of nowhere. They involve complex, physical processes that deserve to be understood and addressed. Why? Because our feelings cascade many of the biochemical reactions in our...Continue Reading
Ep. 281: Redefine What HEALTHY Means For YOU!
It seems like there's always a new health solution popping up on the market. Rather than chasing all the "fad" diets, experts, supplements, or exercises, first redefine what it means to truly BE HEALTHY. Your version of healthy will likely...Continue Reading
Ep. 277: Essential Ingredient for Optimal Health and Wellness That Most People Ignore
Optimal health and wellness is not a destination, but a lifelong journey that often requires commitment and dedication. At times, this journey can feel difficult, overwhelming, and unsuccessful. However, the rewards of optimal health are well worth the effort. There...Continue Reading