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Mind Your Health Show

The Link Between Repetitive Injury and Weight Gain
This podcast encore episode is all about why repetitive injury can be the culprit for weight gain. Repetitive injury can often be an overlooked culprit behind weight gain. When you suffer from chronic or recurring injuries, your ability to engage...Continue Reading
How Your Mindset Determines Your Health Experience: The Power of Positivity
The connection between mindset and health is well-documented, with numerous studies showing that a positive outlook can significantly influence health outcomes. Whether facing a minor ailment or a severe diagnosis, maintaining a positive mindset can enhance the prognosis and overall...Continue Reading
Why Our Healthcare System is Broken and How To Take Your Health Into Your Own Hands
Have you ever experienced the frustration of being caught in a never-ending loop when it comes to your health? As a health professional and patient myself, I have also experienced confusion and disappointment when it came to my health issues....Continue Reading
Ep. 206: Routine Questions to Ask Your Doctor
Many autoimmune patients hang onto their doctors' every word. This is normal, especially when you're newly diagnosed. However your doctors, especially conventional doctors, won't always have your optimal health in mind. Many will want to keep you on medications. Take...Continue Reading
Ep. 194: Why Health Is Not A Priority In Your Life
Your core values subconsciously dictate the actions that you take on a daily basis. The fact that you have an autoimmune condition is evidence that health isn’t one of your core values. It’s so much easier for us to fool...Continue Reading
Ep. 189: Is Your Current Healthcare System in Alignment With What You Need?
As autoimmune patients, typically we don’t know what we need. But many autoimmune patients falsely believe that our “healthcare system” provides us with what we need. This couldn’t be further from the truth. What you need to know is that...Continue Reading
Ep. 168: The Cost of Healthcare vs. Sick Care
Please click here to join our FREE Facebook group, the Self Empowered Healers:  Continue Reading
Ep. 155: Simplify to Amplify Your Health
The more I learn, the more I understand that healing Autoimmunity is an inside job. Once you embrace this you will be well on your self healing journey to create an inner healthcare system. Please click here to join our...Continue Reading
Ep. 152: Health is an Investment, Not an Expense
Many of us balk at the cost of holistic health but don't think twice about the medical bills. The cost of healthcare is far worse than the cost of health. Health is a non-negotiable to enable us to live our...Continue Reading